5 Self Care Tips For Bloggers

5 Self Care Tips For Bloggers

Blogging isn’t easy. It’s not for the faint of heart either. It’s one of those things that if you don’t try it yourself, I mean really try it, you won’t truly understand the toll it may take on your mind, body, and soul. For example, it takes more than a little copy and pasting to create a blog post like this.

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Get Your Blog Noticed With These 5 Easy Steps

Get Your Blog Noticed With These 5 Easy Steps

After thinking non-stop about what to name your blog, what your blog should be about and how you should approach your first posting, you’ve finally launched your blog into the blogosphere. You’ve sent a notification to all your friends and family, and possible clients, about this wonderful new venture.

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5 Ways To Run Your Blog After Hours

5 Ways To Run Your Blog After Hours

The truth about the blogging world that many people don’t realize (and understand) is that most bloggers (even ones that are considered full-time) still work a regular 9-5 job in addition to running and managing a successful blog. Talk about putting in the hours!

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15 Must-Have Books for Girl Bosses

15 Must-Have Books for Girl Bosses

Have you always dreamed of owning your own business, or growing your business to a full-time income? You may have the right mindset, but lacking the resources! I’ve put together a list of the best books for all girl bosses who are looking for some motivation right now.

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10 Must-Have Items For Bloggers

10 Must-Have Items For Bloggers

Between writing the posts, staging photos for products, and creating social media images on Canva, you could spend hours creating just one post! It’s absolutely crazy! Now, I’ve done some research and I’ve realized that successful bloggers have a ton of tools to make the “magic” happen every time they hit publish!

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Tailwind’s Hashtag Finder Tool

Tailwind’s Hashtag Finder Tool

Automating content has been an absolute lifesaver and Tailwind has become my number one go-to application since I practically live on Pinterest these days. We all know I love Tailwind and why I love using it to drive traffic to my blog. And, to make my love for it grow even more, Tailwind just introduced the Hashtag Finder tool and automation for Instagram.

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3 Reasons Why Tailwind Is A Great Blogging Tool

3 Reasons Why Tailwind Is A Great Blogging Tool

Tailwind syncs up with Pinterest and allows you to share your pins and schedule them out for as far out as you want. That way, you can schedule it and forget about it for the next month or two. Seriously. Can you imagine taking a vacation and knowing that everything on your Pinterest business side is handled because Tailwind has your back? Guess what… you can!

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10 Things I Learned As A New Blogger

10 Things I Learned As A New Blogger

The Believe & Balance Lifestyle Blog is officially 1 year old today! I couldn’t be more excited. I wanted to take a moment to share the top 10 things that I’ve learned in my first year of blogging to help you understand that everyone has a different blogging journey!

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Why I Wanted To Be A Lifestyle Blogger

Why I Wanted To Be A Lifestyle Blogger

I really thought I hated blogging. It felt as if I didn’t have anything to say, which clearly isn’t the case. Turns out, I wasn’t aligned with what I was trying to talk about up until now. I feel like I’m finally free from all of the crap that’s held me back from sharing my thoughts and using voice!

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