How to Build New Habits That Work

by | Jun 2, 2023 | Lifestyle, Wellness | 0 comments

Creating better habits is vital in your journey toward designing a better life. Change is tricky, and I know it’s tough to step out of your comfort zone. I wanted to share some tips to help you build better habits and, more importantly, make them stick!

On average, it takes around sixty-six days for a new habit to stick, although it varies from person to person. That’s just over two months, which might seem like a lot, but by day thirty, you’ll already have developed a pattern, making the next thirty days much more straightforward than when you first started.

Want to read more articles about creating new habits? Check out: How To Use Healthy Habits To Achieve Goals, 5 Intentional Habits For A Happier Life, and 8 Daily Habits To Improve Your Self-Worth.

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What new habits should I develop? 

That’s totally up to you! I recommend envisioning your dream life and going from there. Habits are easier to create when you know you are working on them with a sense of purpose.

A few ideas to get started with are sticking to a schedule on a day-by-day basis, creating a budget, exercising, using daily affirmations, and practicing gratitude. Moreover, you can think of a few more personal ones, like quitting smoking, practicing your favorite hobby every week/day/month, or socializing more!

How do you start a habit?

Now that we’ve covered the basics of habit-making, it’s time to dive deeper into the steps to create a habit. Here are some strategies to help you build your new habits in no time!

Start a new habit

Instead of focusing on the negatives, try to list the positives. Ask yourself what habits you’d like to create instead of those you want to eliminate.

Starting with a positive mindset and focusing on that for a while will make things so much easier! I also recommend wording things with a positive tone, so if your goal is to get healthier, try to word your new habit as “I’m choosing healthier meals from now on” instead of “I’m quitting junk food.”

Use emotional rewards 

Who doesn’t love to get rewarded for their efforts? I know I do! When choosing a new habit, try to make it one with an emotional reward attached.

Materialistic rewards are great but usually take a little longer to achieve. That’s why emotional rewards are great – because they come almost immediately. For instance, let’s say your new habit is to stop eating out daily so you can save for your dream vacation. The vacation is a great reward, but knowing you’re saving money is also a tremendous emotional reward! 


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I am a 30-something lifestyle blogger who loves sweatpants, shopping, and self-care.

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